One of the questions that you'll need to ponder when you commit to a bathroom remodeling project is how involved you want the project to be. A good remodeling contractor can make your current bathroom completely unrecognizable in the new design, but an extensive project of this nature may be pricey and will leave your bathroom in a semi-constructed state for a lengthy period. The project will be easier, quicker, and less expensive if you can avoid moving certain things around within the bathroom. Here are some things that you should try not to move — and some that you can move.
Plumbing Fixtures
One of the best ways to keep a bathroom remodeling project from taking too long and getting too expensive is to keep each of your plumbing fixtures in its current (or close to its current) position. While your remodeling contractor is definitely capable of moving the sink across the room and putting the shower elsewhere too, these projects are big. To do so, the contractor will need to run extra piping, water lines, and more, all of which can be major undertakings. It's a good idea to try to plan out your new bathroom with the plumbing fixtures staying in the same position as they are now.
A big way to change the functionality of your bathroom is to take a different approach to storage, and moving the shelving around — and perhaps adding new shelving — is a way to accomplish this goal. If you have shelving solutions in your bathroom that aren't convenient or that aren't roomy enough for your needs, there's no harm in having your contractor move them around. Generally, shelving is easy to relocate. The contractor just needs to find studs to which the units can be attached, and then patch any mounting holes left behind after taking old shelving units down.
While you might not "move" flooring in the full sense of the word, you'll likely consider changing it during a bathroom remodeling project. Again, your remodeling contractor can tear up the flooring for you, but this aspect can be time consuming. Although vinyl flooring is quick and easy to pull up, tiles will take longer. Instead of switching the flooring around, talk to your remodeling contractor about flooring options that can be placed over the current floor. This can easily be done, which will help to get the project done more quickly, and often for less money.
Check out home renovation websites, such as, to find the contractors who are right for your project.