Whenever you are considering a home remodel, you obviously want to maximize your investment. That is, the goal should be to increase the value of your property as much as possible, without investing too much money. The most cost effective remodels are those that have a visual impact the style of your home. For instance, replacing your baseboard won't be as cost effective as painting the walls. Painting is an even more cost effective remodel when you do the work yourself. This article explains how to paint more professionally by creating cleaner lines.

Painting Better Lines

Painting the inside of your home is usually very easy, but creating straight lines in edges is often the hardest part. While it is easy to paint the majority of your walls with rollers, creating straight lines takes more time and patience.

Baseboard and Molding

When it comes to painting the edges of your walls, it really depends on what you are painting next to. For instance, if you are painting along a straight piece of hardwood molding, you can just rely on painters tape. The tape will stick very well to the hard, smooth wood surface.

Textured Drywall

If you are just painting a corner of drywall without any molding, you will need to use tape and sparkling paste. Even the best painter's tape won't stick that well to drywall because it is textured and porous. Usually, if you tape off drywall with just tape, you end up with a splotchy line. You need to reinforce the tape with spackling paste. This nifty trick is very easy to accomplish. All you to do is spread some paste directly over the tape line. You spread very thinly so you don't actually alter the texture of the wall. This basically fills any gaps or bubbles that might form underneath the tape. When you peel away the tape after painting, your line will be straight and clean.

Surface That Aren't Tapeable

On some parts of your wall, you might not be able to use any tape at all. For instance, a wall that runs into carpet or a popcorn ceiling can't be taped off. So, you need to try and create straight lines by hand, with no tape at all. This just means you need to work more slowly and carefully. It is a good idea to practice free-hand painting on a spare piece of wood so you can end up with the best lines.

As you can see, you need to vary between these three techniques to create the best lines throughout your house.Contact a company, like Dave's Minor Changes, for more help.
